Welcome to the INBETS SME Valuation Kit! The Valuation Kit is divided into 5 sections:
- Introduction
- Valuation methods and tools
- Challenges regarding SME valuation
- Sticking points of SME valuation
- Course conclusion
Reasons for valuation
The reasons for business valuations can be divided into valuations made in accordance with statutory requirements or contractual agreements and valuations carried out for other reasons.
Valuations for contractual reasons occur particularly in the event partners join or leave a partnership, in relation to inheritance disputes and inheritance settlements, as well as for settlements made in accordance with family law.
On the other hand, business valuations are often made based on entrepreneurial initiatives such as the purchase or sale of businesses, mergers, additions to equity or third-party capital, contributions of non-monetary assets (including the transfer of entire net assets of businesses), initial public offerings, management buy-outs or in connection with value-oriented management concepts. Business valuations are also carried out based on commercial and tax law valuation questions (Fédération des Experts Comptables Européens, 2001).
It is important to remember that the purpose of the valuation vil impact the outcome.
- Introduction