Challenges regarding SME valuation
The following challenges are based on Damodaran, 2002 and Halter and Schröder, 2010.
- The owner's salary does not reflect market conditions. There often are unpaid labour inputs from family members. Too low rents are set on commercially used properties.
- Emphasise on high private loans instead of equity.
- Existence of covert securities such as guarantees for bank loans.
- SMEs operate under far looser standards, and there can be wide differences between firms on how items are accounted for.
- There is far less information about private firms in terms of both the number of years of data and the amount of information available each year.
- The absence of a ready market for private firm equity.
- The absence of separation between the owner and management can result in an intermingling of personal expenses with business expenses, and a failure to differentiate between management salary and dividends (or their equivalent).
"Identity" or "arm's lenght" issues
The following challenges regarding SME valuation revolves around identity/arm's lenght issues and is based on Vella, 2007.- A perception that “the business is the owner”.
- Dividend, investment and other policies may be driven by tax planning and personal considerations rather than commercial considerations.
- Remuneration of family members may not reflect a fair reward for effort on a commercial arm’s length basis (it may be more or less than that amount). There may be no clear delineation between return to labour and return to capital/risk.
- The owner’s perceptions of “value” may be distorted.
- Dependence upon the owner(s) for financial support, e.g. by way of guarantees or loans.
- Organisational definition (allocation of management responsibilities) may be “fuzzy”
Size issues
The following issues regarding size and SME valuation is based on Vella, 2007.-
Lack of management depth/dependence upon one or two key personnel.
Dependence upon key customers or suppliers.
Lack of diversification (if this is important in the relevant industry).
Inability to capture economies of scale.
Lack of geographical spread where that may be appropriate.
Information issues
(based on Vella, 2007)- Inadequate internal dissemination of information.
- Availability of relevant external data may be restricted.
- Inadequate availability of information (poor systems, no audit, accounting standards not applied).
Market issues
(based on Vella, 2007)-
Lack and depth and organisation of market for shares – possibly lack of market at all for minority holdings.
The shareholders may all be related or closely associated which may preclude acting at arms length.
No mechanism for ownership transition.
- Challenges